As I’ve watched the insects slowly emerge this spring and summer, I was somehow reminded of a time in my childhood when I was fascinated with bugs. I remember examining the windshield and bumper of the car after a driving trip and being amazed by the variety of bees, butterflies and other bugs that were plastered to the car. As morbid as it was, it gave me a chance to examine these insects close up and without fear. As I reflected on that memory, I realized that this is something that my children have probably not experienced. I started to wonder why we see so many fewer insects these days. I did some research and I was shocked by the results. Within the last 20 years there has been a massive decline in insect populations world wide. Stanford University developed a global index for insect population which showed a 45% decline over the last four \ decades. In the last 20 years, the population of monarch butterflies in the eastern U.S. has declined by ...