Book Review: GREENIOLOGY by Tanya Ha. 2005; Penguin Books Canada By Marilyn Houser Hamm ACAN has teamed up with the South Central Regional Library to showcase their resources about sustainability. We invite you to check out their wide range of books on this topic. To arrange for a contactless pick up of books, you can a) place a hold on the books you want online or by phone b) call 204-324-1503 to schedule your pick up time Greeniology Do you have that feeling by now which of your New Year’s resolutions are going to “stick” and others that, sigh, may wait til next year for another try.... Well, here is a resolution for life: be committed to GREENIOLOGY. What is GREENIOLOGY, you ask? Australian journalist and environmentalist Tanya Ha subtitles her engaging book with the response, “ How to live well, be green and make a difference.” Rather than creating a book of “should” and “should nots” for Canadians, Tanya Ha invites her readers into the adventure of practical tips...