For the past three years a three-person Task Force, under the direction of ACAN, has operated the Altona
Community Garden. It has been a pleasure working together and alongside of the many residents of Altona who
have gardened there. We are also particularly pleased that we have had the full and enthusiastic support of the
Altona Town Council. As a result, a lot of people have had a chance to eat locally-grown, organic vegetables.
The garden has a truly international flavor, with about a third of the plots rented by new-comers to Altona. For
many of these gardeners, tending to their plots is an important social outing and in the process they meet and
develop relationships with other new-comers as well as long-time residents of Altona.
From the beginning, the garden has included a space at the centre of the garden known as The Commons. It has
been the meeting point for many gardeners where they access tools, water, compost, advice and fellowship with
other gardeners.
It is fair to say that what we saw happen in the Commons gave rise to the dream that ACAN has developed to
enhance The Commons to include a spacious, timber frame pavilion along with wheelchair accessible washrooms
and a park-like entrance. Along the way, we also began partnering with Equal Access Altona to dream about
incorporating a wheelchair accessible garden space next to The Commons.
In the November 8th edition of the South Central Post, Lori Penner wrote a wonderful article explaining at greater
length the vision ACAN has for the new Commons. She noted that we envision this space to be a thing of beauty
that will provide dignity and “pride of place” to the gardening community and indeed all of Altona.
Now we have the fund-raising hurdle to cross. But we have seen hurdles before and have prevailed. And so we
really believe that with the support of community individuals and businesses along with various grants we are
applying for, the money to “build this dream together” will be found. Altogether we will need about $140,000.
Our first appeal to meet this goal is going out to individuals like you in Altona and area. If you have a mailbox
connected to the Altona Post Office and normally accept flyers, you will be receiving a brochure in the mail next
week. It will help you to envision the dream and give you an opportunity to participate financially to get the
fund-raising started.
Please note that all project funds will be handled by the Town of Altona, who will also be issuing tax-deductible
receipts. So all cheques should be made out to Town of Altona with a note on the memo line, Community Garden
Project. Then, either mail it to Town of Altona, PO Box 1630, Altona, MB, R0G 0B0 or place it in the drop box at
the Altona Civic Centre. If you want to contribute in other ways please call the town office at 204-324-6468 to
make arrangements.
By Jack Heppner for ACAN
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