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Altona CAN! Reduce Home Energy Use - Heat People Not Space


We all rely on energy to heat our homes and care for our basic needs; especially through the winter. And since it 

feels as though winter is fully upon us, what better time to consider our home energy use? Without getting too deep 

into the politics, it’s good to be aware how big this conversation really is. As it reads in the book Building a Better 

World in Your Backyard, “Nearly all war is rooted in energy. Most pollution is rooted in energy. Energy has a huge 

impact on carbon footprint.” We don’t all need to have the same concern for our carbon footprint to take energy use 

seriously – it’s a global, political issue. 

In order to be happy, we all need to be warm, clothed and fed, and I believe that the vast majority of us want that 

for our neighbours around the world. At the very least, perhaps we still hold remnants of our Mennonite forebearers

frugality that might help pique our interest in home energy usage.

In our cold climate, about 63% of energy at the household level is used heating our homes. In most homes we rely 

on a central heating system. By way of either natural gas or electricity, we pump warm air throughout our home, 

keeping it at a set temperature. This is convection heat. Besides convection, there is also conduction (transfer of 

energy through two objects) and radiation (transferred through electromagnetic radiation). For example, think 

about the simple warmth provided by a cup of tea (conduction) or the difference between sitting in the shade or 

sun on a crisp fall day (radiation). The air temperature may be the same in all scenarios, but though conduction 

and radiation, we feel much warmer.

Historically people relied much more on conduction and radiation as they are much more efficient. You can feel 

warmer while using less overall energy. The simple idea is heating people and not space. Think about it this way. 

Let’s say the average sized home in Canada is 1,800 square feet (newly built homes are on average 1,900), which 

with an average ceiling height of 8’ is a volume of 14,400 cubic feet (of course not including basements). According 

to a Google survey, Canadians on average have over 600 square feet per person of living space, so an average sized 

home fits three people, who combined can occupy no more than 120 cubic feet in total (which is generous). 

The majority of time in our homes we are sedentary: sleeping, reading, or watching a screen. Let’s say each person 

has three spots where they enjoy doing these activities, for a grand total of 360 cubic feet of area that we occupy 

regularly. That is 2.5% of the volume of the house being heated, in regular use! Of course, there is no 100% 

efficient way of keeping warm, but as an illustration it shows how inefficient convective heat is, and hopefully 

how much more efficient we might become heating people instead of space. 

If this is at all compelling, here are a few ideas worth thinking about. To start, dress appropriately for the season. 

Winter is cold, so wear layers. Long underwear in winter should easily become the norm, and not just for venturing 

outdoors. In fact, one layer of thermal long underwear can allow you to turn down the thermostat 4°C, saving up to 

40% on space energy heating. And this is just one subtle fashion statement: never mind toques, slippers, and scarves 

all of which are quite comfortable while you sit and enjoy time at home. Maybe turning down the thermostat from 

22 to 18°C seems a little extreme, but even a couple degrees could translate into significant savings, and if you layer 

up while turning the thermostat down, you could be as a whole warmer on average. And this is just one strategy.

If we return to the places in our home where we collectively spend most time, then regardless of clothing choice, we 

can easily turn down the thermostat while remaining comfortable. Consider using small space heaters in certain 

rooms, a hot water bottle, or if you’re as outrageous as I am, a pet heating pad on the feet (it’s quite cozy)! Maybe 

you have a favourite reading spot that you find cool?! An old incandescent light bulb can also be a multipurpose tool 

that can provide a both light and a little extra heat. 

Once you begin to notice a single simple solution solving multiple problems like this, you’ll know you’re on the 

right track. For example, maybe a younger member of your household has made a habit of holing themselves in 

their room with their good friends TikTok and Netflix a little too often. Well, if the thermostat is set so low that 

their room is uncomfortable except for sleeping, then I’m sure you’ll be enjoying more of their company in the 


Keeping common areas warmer attracts people, encourages more interaction and less isolation. And not to mention, 

there’s the added benefit of being able to sleep better in cooler temperatures. Many doctors and health 

organizations point out that sleeping at a temperature around 60°F (15.5°C) results in longer sleeping periods, 

waking feeling less stress and being more alert.

After the recent cold-snap, you’re probably feeling the cost of keeping your home warm in sub Arctic temperatures. 

What better time to consider what lowering the thermostat, and heating people and not space might look like in 

your home! I think this, like other acts of simplicity, can bring us closer together and keep us more in touch with 

energy that sustains us. And much like in other areas of consumption, in energy use, lowering our average leads to 

more savings in the long-term for everyone. 


Additional Readings:

1. For more specific information visit or specifically this article: 






Written for ACAN by Jonah Langelotz



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