September 20, election day, is right around the corner. I often find it overwhelming to educate myself
about the platforms of the different parties so I decided to help y’all out. I have sifted through these
platforms to provide you with a quick reference guide about where each party stands on the topics of
emissions, jobs, transportation and housing. To learn more please visit each party’s website.
The PPC and the CHP were not included in the above chart because neither party has a comprehensive
climate plan. The People’s Party of Canada claims that “There is however no scientific consensus on the
theory that CO2 produced by human activity is causing dangerous global warming today or will in the
future.” The Christian Heritage Party believes that “CO2
is a natural beneficial gas, not a pollutant; CO2 as the cause of climate change is an unproven theory.”
One of the most important actions we can take to protect the environment is to elect officials that will do
so. On September 20 make sure to take a few minutes to vote for the future you want for yourself and for
future generations.
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